Corporate Documentary:Creative Means to Connect with Your Clients

Corporate Documentary:Creative Means to Connect with Your Clients
21 / 09 / 2020

 By : Professor..Amani Omar Elhusseini ,Digital Marketing Consultant

A documentary is basically a non-fiction film which is intended to reveal some aspect of reality. In the corporate world, documentaries are a means to advertise for your company without really advertising.

Through corporate documentaries, you can display your company’s achievements, awards, employees, products, services; highlighting the company’s history, customers, awards, licenses, authenticity, etc. A company documentary video may also display one day in the life of your employees, or also an illustration of the mind rational of the company’s CEO and his visions about business. When shared with the company’s customers and clients across social networks, the corporate documentaries may humanize your business and help your both present and prospect clients to connect with your products and services.

Marketing researchers have concluded that videos are the undisputed number one “king” of content marketing. They stated that about 60% of a company’s online customers will view a video before reading the print material and videos have the highest click through rate of other marketing forms.

Moreover, a corporate documentary might give a positive experience for your company. First, it can create confidence of your employees who show in the video and will generate a sense of fellowship with your organization.

When shared across digital platforms, company documentary that exposes the values of your business entity, it will make your numerous viewers engage with your business because they may identify with common ideals and self-reflect on company values and ethics. You shouldn’t care about producing lots of documentary videos to show on your website or share on social media, as much as caring about the quality of those videos.

Documentaries should tackle serious issues and communicate socially-conscious values. Besides, they should be used to express passion, authenticity of the products that your company offers through compelling storytelling. A simple premise is also advisable in corporate documentaries, which should correspond with the nature of your product or brand.

One creative means in corporate documentary I propose here is to provide honest human stories telling about the quality and durability of your products they used, or about their positive experiences dealing with your company personnel.

Finally, what I would like to say is that money can’t buy the connection with your customers like corporate documentaries can do, so, use them as a tool to share the stories of your business with customers and to build company’s transparency and credibility.

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