UN chief urges adopting UN Digital Compact at Summit of Futures

UN chief urges adopting UN Digital Compact at Summit of Futures
22 / 01 / 2024
By Marwa Nassar - -

United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres called for adopting the proposed UN Digital Compact at the Summit of the Futures, due to be held this September, as new technologies can turbocharge progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Guterres made the remarks during the third summit of the Group of 77 (G-77) and China, which opened in Kampala, Uganda, on Sunday.

He added that a newly created expert body has made preliminary recommendations on global Artificial Intelligence (AI) governance, including for accelerating sustainable development.  

He said the September summit “is a chance to create the conditions for countries to achieve the SDGs. To find consensus on frameworks to address new challenges. And to build a better world for us all.”

He noted that the Summit will also consider deep reforms of the international financial architecture, adding that developing countries must lead efforts to reform outdated multilateral institutions and frameworks, 

Calling for the G-77 to unite against climate catastrophe, Guterres urged members “to hold developed countries to account for climate justice, and for leading an equitable and just transition, based on the phaseout of fossil fuel and massive investment in renewable energy.”

Financial commitments made by richer countries also must be met, and clarification on the $100 billion promised annually for climate action as well as doubling adaptation finance by 2025 are mere starting points.

While the Loss and Damage Fund marks a step forward, “we must call for meaningful contributions that have not yet been announced,” Guterres said.

Another advisory board is working to ensure scientific breakthroughs are shared equally for the benefit of all people.

While in the Ugandan capital this weekend to participate in the Summit and the latest meeting of another UN partner, the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), held on Saturday, Guterres outlined many of the challenges facing the world today, including achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the 2030 deadline as well as ensuring economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, respect for human rights, and climate action.

“While South-South cooperation is strong and deepening, it does not replace the need for the respect of the commitments of the global North – for sustained engagement to reduce poverty and inequality, support growth, and build resilience in developing countries,” he said.

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